Thank you for stopping by my cyber dumpster, discreetly located far off the better-worn paths of the sprawling, trackless digital library that is the internet. This is where I file the results of my tinkering, experiments, ramblings, and general mucking about; feel free to rummage through the contents. Who knows? You may uncover something fun, whacky, or genius among all the clutter; stranger things have happened...
With an unrelenting curiosity, I've always been fascinated by figuring out how things work. Ever since I was big enough to hold a screwdriver, I've been taking things apart to see what makes them tick. My passion for figuring things out and problem-solving was first honed as an Electronics Technician in the USN and later tempered in the tech industry, where I continue to help solve customer problems by developing hardware, software, and networking solutions. In my free time, I scratch my geek itch by reading, tinkering, experimenting, and pulling on any other interesting threads that cross my path just to see where they may lead.